Friday, December 11, 2009

Croup More Condition_treatment Is It Possible To Have Croup At 8 Yrs Old?

Is it possible to have croup at 8 yrs old? - croup more condition_treatment

My son is prone to croup and had a couple of times before. The last episode was perhaps 6 years. Is it normal to have that in 8 years? Every article I read said that Krupp occurs at a younger age.


cryptoxm... said...

Yes it is .. peer-reviewed medical literature is strewn with children over 8 years with croup Croup () ...

Clinical Pediatrics. 29, No. 10, pgs 581-582. 1990: Croup in older children, report of a case of two school-age children with croup. Welding Handbook. Elad, Maher.

lil reem said...

Most but not all cases of viral croup mild. Breathing moist air seems to make children feel better. Or paracetamol and ibuprofen, can a child more comfortable. Doctors sometimes the treatment with steroids, which contribute to inflammation in the airways.

The best way to expose their children humidity is to use a cool mist humidifier or run a hot shower to create a hot bath, where you can sit with your child for 10 minutes, too. Inhalation of mists may prevent a child from violent coughing. Breathe in the colder months, your child will try for a few minutes in the fresh air - it can also be symptoms. You can also try to drive your child around the car with the windows open.

If your child is sick, you can also consider sleeping overnight in the same room to allow close observation. If they are incapable of rapid breathing and his son break croupartige call your child's doctor or consult your doctor as soon as possible.

Health care professionals need to assess your childif the croup appears serious or if there is any suspicion of airway obstruction. If it is severe croup, physicians prior to the treatment of respiratory tract that contains epinephrine (adrenaline). This reduces the airway swelling fast. Oxygen can also be specified, and sometimes a child with Krupp will remain in hospital for observation overnight. As recommended for most illnesses, rest and plenty of fluids.

iammitch... said...

He had croup twice, so I think it should work, I had when I was 3 years and when he was 11, so I see no reason to worry, I'm now 16 and health as a horse, it dosnt seem no long-term effect

iammitch... said...

He had croup twice, so I think it should work, I had when I was 3 years and when he was 11, so I see no reason to worry, I'm now 16 and health as a horse, it dosnt seem no long-term effect

David H said...

Yes, I had the croup when he was 6 years old. No problem, now I'm 15th

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